Do I Need a Destoner for My Coffee Roaster?

Do I Need a Destoner for My Coffee Roaster?

Every owner of a professional coffee roastery wants to sell the best quality products. The roasting process is of course very important, however there is another crucial step which many people ignore. If you want to make sure that the coffee you sell is perfectly prepared, you need to invest in a destoning machine, or in other words a coffee destoner. You may ask yourself: “Do I really need this machine?”. Below you can find some useful and interesting facts about this kind of machine.


What is a coffee destoner and how does it work?


A coffee destoner is a machine that uses simple rules of physics to remove stones and other small particles that you can find in a container with green coffee beans. A destoner machine uses gravity to find any potential foreign objects such as stones, twigs, coffee plant parts or even concrete pieces. A destoner machine uses vacuum air to separate good roasted coffee beans from other unwanted particles. Roasted coffee beans are lighter than, for example, pieces of wood, stones, or even not properly roasted coffee beans, so the coffee destoner can lift roasted beans and leave them free of all the particles. This way you can avoid unpleasant situations, in which you find objects in the coffee bag that shouldn’t be there.



What destoning machine should I choose?


If you want to upgrade your services, you definitely should purchase a coffee destoner. Coffee beans should have constant qualities such as weight, color etc., and that is why you should choose a robust and reliable destoning machine for your business. However, before you order your new machine, you should first think about the amount of coffee you roast daily and weekly. If your coffee roastery is small, you can buy a coffee destoning machine with a 5 kg tank capacity. For commercial use it is better recommended to buy a coffee destoner with a tank volume of 25 or 40 kg. You can find all of these examples on this website: https://cmsale.com/products/roasting/destoners. The coffee destoning machines that you can find under this address were made of robust materials like stainless steel. Depending on the coffee you use, you should adjust the airflow correctly, which you can do thanks to the smart inverter that controls this process.


Does it pay off?


Even though this is another machine that you need to place in your coffee roastery, it is worth buying. You can earn the trust of your clients, because they will appreciate the quality of the products you sell, and you don’t have to worry if the contents of the coffee are clear. Small objects such as stones, twigs, pieces of concrete or sometimes plastic are dangerous for your client’s health or even life. A destoner machine can effectively and quickly remove these particles from the coffee beans. Keep in mind that there is a possibility that under-ripe coffee beans can also get mixed with properly grown and roasted coffee beans. Under-ripe coffee beans can decrease the quality and destroy the flavor of the final product.


The post-roasting finds you don't want your client to get


To sum up, the destoning process is an essential step in coffee production. You shouldn’t neglect it, because otherwise you won’t achieve the best results. Besides that, you may unintentionally risk your clients health by selling them coffee with potentially dangerous particles. The overall quality of such a coffee is naturally lower. By purchasing a coffee destoner, you can keep your roasted coffee beans clear, and you will always offer only the best products. Click the link above and find out which destoning coffee machine suits you best. Choose a destoning machine with a tank volume appropriate for your needs.